Basic Designs DEMANDING

basic services for all

PLANT TREES AND DONATE with every purchase

Basics For All has pledged to donate no less than 10% of all profits to organizations providing the services we demand. Additionally, through our partnership with Sprout, one tree is planted with every product purchased.


Healthcare must be treated as the human right it is, not a privilege for only the rich.
Survival should not be profitized.
Start the conversation and demand medicare for all with stickers, magnets, pet bandanas, hats, shirts, and a host of other basics, with designs that make the demand as simple as the concept.
Medicare For All Button Magnets
Tote featuring the phrase "Join the fight for Medicare For All" in a superhero comic inspired design with doctors as the superheroes.


We live in a time of unprecedented economic disparity. As housing insecurity grows, new developments sit vacant.
Join the movement fighting to house all people with designs the demand for Housing for All. 
Woman modeling Housing For All Hoodie.



The internet is essential for nearly all aspects of daily living. Broadband For All isn't just about accessing the internet. It's about social and economic equity. Broadband For All would ensure that every person, regardless of their location, has access to the information and resources they need.
Help close the digital divide with mugs, bags, shirts, and other basics, all with designs demanding fast and reliable Broadband for All. 

The Broadband/Basics For All Mug held by woman in bed.